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"After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them out ahead of him, in pairs ....."
id | saying | link | id | saying |
A1 | Beatitudes | kingdom (of God) | C1 | Kingdom come! |
A2 | Salt | rejection | C2 | Called or chosen |
A3 | Lighting a lamp | lamp; light | C3 | Eye as lamp |
A4 | Law | primacy of divine law | C4 | Caesar or God |
A5 | Your accuser | judgement | C5 | Request for a sign |
A6 | Hand & eye | eye(s) | C6 | What you see |
A7 | Divorce | woman | C7 | Womb |
A8 | Love enemies | concern for others | C8 | Forgiveness |
A9 | Blind guide | bad guidance | C9 | Millstone |
A10 | Teacher/disciple | master/underling | C10 | Ruler/servant |
A11 | Be like a child | humility | C11 | Humble exalted |
A12 | Eye of needle | kingdom of God | C12 | Bystanders |
A13 | Speck/log | perception; hypocrite(s) | C13 | Weather signs |
A14 | Judge/measure | measure | C14 | Mustard & yeast |
A15 | Pearls to pigs | animal & valuable | C15 | Sheep & coin |
A16 | Two gates | two | C16 | Two masters |
A17 | Good tree | tree | C17 | Mulberry tree |
A18 | Good treasure | treasure | C18 | Treasure in heaven |
A19 | Ask/receive | depending on your Father | C19 | Food & clothing |
A20 | Golden rule | ethical summary | C20 | More given |
A21 | Disowned | contrasting status; kingdom | C21 | Thrones |
A22 | Rock or sand | contrasting fates | C22 | Last or first |
B1 | Following Jesus | kingdom of God | D1 | Hinder entrance |
B2 | Cup of water | cup | D2 | Clean cup |
B3 | Harvest | crops | D3 | Tithe mint |
B4 | Mission instructions | greeting(s) | D4 | Best seats |
B5 | Lambs among wolves | danger | D5 | Unmarked graves |
B6 | Hated/endure | endurance | D6 | Burdens |
B7 | Through all Israel | towns; 'through' Israel | D7 | Memorials |
B8 | Formal defence | speaking | D8 | False prophets |
B9 | Bold confession | not hidden; inner rooms | D9 | Hearsay |
B10 | Peace or a sword | division from above | D10 | Lightning |
B11 | My disciple? | death | D11 | Vultures |
B12 | Find or lose | loss | D12 | In the days of Noah |
B13 | Welcome | reception | D13 | Taken or left |
B14 | For or against | no taking it easy | D14 | Keep awake |
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